love all our children

The meter is which works with CHINA,
the tune to which the hymn “Jesus Loves Me” is sung.
This was written for celebrations of the Children’s Sabbath.

Children are of God’s good grace;
in their joy we see God’s face.
In their laughter God does smile.
We can see God in each child.
Thank God for children;
thank God for children;
thank God for children,
and change the way we live.

No child should be raised in fear,
that’s our charge both far and near.
Till each child grows up to play
his/her part in what God does say.
Take care of children;
take care of children;
take care of children,
and change the way we live.

Children are the ones who’ll pay
for poor choices made each day.
We their future must ensure—
lest our blunders they endure.
Think of the children;
think of the children;
think of the children,
and change the way we live.

Children all do need our care.
They need peace; they need clean air.
For them they need us to pray;
they need us to live God’s way.
Love all our children;
love all our children;
love all our children,
thus change the way we live.